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cannot remove a user from a domain

In the Domain Administration window, under the members tab, I click the far right "X" circle to "remove this user from domain", I confirm the action, and receive this error: (error was: This repository is not active, so it's not changeable). I can remove other users just fine.

beef , 03.03.2012, 00:06
Response from the site administrator
gitent, 13.03.2012
From what I can see, it looks like we have a bug, I think you have a repository in the trashbin (not fully deleted) that still reference that user: for that reason you cannot remove it from the domain..

Can you please check if this is the case? If not, you can contact our support team: support@gitenterprise.com

Thank you for using GitEnterprise!
Idea status: under consideration


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