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action column in members tab of Domain Admin page pushed off-screen by long e-mail addresses

On the Members tab of the Domain Admin page, we happen to have one user with a long (36 character) e-mail address. This widens the "Email" column of the members table and pushes the "Action" column out of the tab box. When the browser window is from 1200 to 1260px (close to the maximum width on a 1280x800 screen, and greater than the maximum width under OS X when the dock is on the left or right), the "Action" column is at least partially covered up by the "leave feedback" link. At less than 1200px, the "Action" column is completely invisible. A longer e-mail address would create this problem on even higher horizontal resolution screens.

Tested under Mac OS X 10.6.8 and Chrome 24.0.1312.56 (likely affects other browsers).

Galen Wright-Watson , 31.01.2013, 21:42
Idea status: under consideration


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